we are through changing, we are through." -Bruce Barton-
close bowling friends and I are continuously looking for ways to
improve our bowling. We enjoy the ride we're taking, and we invite everyone to come join us. Along
this journey, people are constantly climbing on and jumping off. Some
get tired of all the changes and some just get satisfied with the
level they attain. Whatever
their reasons, I'm certain they learned something while they rode
with us. Also, I'd venture to say that their games have improved to
some degree.
knows and understands that the sport of bowling is in constant flow.
The equipment is continuously being improved and new technologies are being introduced, literally, on a daily basis. Much the same as our lives, change is always happening and we need to
roll with those changes.
the result if we remain static? Well, honestly, "...we're
through." We all
have dreams and I'm not sure what my friend's dreams are. But, whatever our personal reasons, I'd say the common theme would be, "To
feel good about our bowing."
doesn't necessarily mean to score better; but rather, to know that
everything felt good "all the time." Over the past several
years, we've felt good here-and-there, but never have we been able to
say, "My form feels good all the time."
that mean that if we get to that point, the dream will stop and we'll
give up changing? I don't think so. I think we are of the same
ilk and we believe that our dreams about our bowling will be ever-evolving and
that mean we'll never be satisfied with our game? I think so. I think we are of the same ilk that we believe there will always be
something to learn and improve upon as we continue to bowl.
equipment - bowling balls, lanes, and conditioners are going to keep
changing and improving. Why should we be satisfied with staying
within a certain sandbox all the time? There's
still so much to learn about this fascinating game of bowling.
moment we set our sights on mastering a technique, we discover
another, more skillful way to do things. The
challenges to us will be to keep studying so that we
uncover that one finer point beyond where we're at.
don't believe it's in any of our nature's to be satisfied with a
"static" bowling game. From our standpoint, that would be a
"boring" way to bowl.
the rewards? Our nights of bowling are never dull.
lanes might be tough, but, we always have that "one more thing
to try." We might hit on the best way to play the lanes that
night or we might not; however, it's not for the lack of trying. If
we didn't find the shot, we went down fighting.
averages may not be improving as quickly as we want them to; however,
when we look back on our journey, we have to admit that there has
been marked improvement.
A JOURNEY - I feel that's what my friends and I are on. A bowling journey to
keep bettering our methods and keep improving our styles.
we, in the future, are forced to give up our changing, we'll be able
to say. "We may be through, but it wasn't for lack of trying
something new."
journey's been great and it's still continuing. Don't stay in the
same place. Learn, discover, try something new.