Friday, March 27, 2015

Thinking Small For Bigger Bowling Results

I keep emphasizing to all my students about focusing on the "Process" rather than the score of the game they're bowling.

I tell them over-and-over, "If you keep your mind on the 'Process' rather than the score, you'll eventually shoot higher games and raise your average."

I've proven it to them time and time again and you can prove it to yourself, too.

When we have a coaching session, we never keep score (although the automatic scorer will do so, anyway) and I tell the student not to look up at the projection.

We're here to work on fundamentals, I remind then, and those games are the least of our concerns at this time.

However, at the end of the session, I'll do a recap of the games bowled (usually three) and show them the results.

In pretty much all the cases, the resultant totals are surprising to the student.

If you were to do the same thing during your own practice time, I feel sure you'd get the same, surprising results.

I'm merely breaking down their goal into little mini-steps so they can achieve successes along the way to attaining their main objective, which might be, for example, a higher average.

As they see improvements with each point of the "Process," it gives them the satisfaction and motivation to keep trying to improve their bowling game.

If, for example, we were to focus entirely on the results, which is, let's say, a 200 average, what do you think each practice session and each league night would be like?

I think it would be nothing but frustration and disappointment. I'm sure you don't need a long explanation to see that what I say is true.

Now, let's say we concentrate on the little mini-steps necessary for them to get to that level.

As each step is accomplished, they'll be able to see positive results and therefore, be able to feel good about their results.

They'll feel that they're accomplishing something and be willing to keep on persevering.

1) Small, measurable changes. These are within anyone's current abilities and are easily measured because the person can feel a shift in the way they're delivering the ball down the lane.

2) Small, continuous advancements. If you focus on the end result, you'll more than likely lose enthusiasm and give up because the longer you go without seeing continuous advancements, the easier it'll be for you to throw up your hands in frustration. Any advancement, even small ones, give a feeling of accomplishment, which gives you the drive to continue on.

3) Small, focused adjustments. As you make your small and continuous advancements, you'll find that your ability to focus on each aspect of the "Process" will become sharper and sharper. You'll be able to "feel" when you're about to commit an error and you'll be able to make the necessary correction before you release the bowling ball, thereby minimizing the mistake.

4) Small goals equals large results. Push yourself, little by little. Use whatever cliche necessary to keep yourself centered on the "Process" rather than the result. Build on the skill set you currently have, improve them, then build on that set of skills, and so on, and so on.

The results you achieve in the long-term will be much larger than even you thought they'd be.

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