Sunday, September 20, 2015

Senior Bowling Observations - Discussion #4

Here’s Discussion #4 in a nutshell:

"On a 38-foot to 41-foot length oil pattern, if you throw your ball and it rolls over the '8-board at the outer marker,' your ball will hit the pocket."

For ease of discussion, I generalize the following:

(1) The "outer marker" is the dark-colored, three foot mark, on the 10-board, 40 to 43 feet from the foul line on many modern, synthetic lanes.

(2) What I refer to as the "8-board at the outer marker;" is actually the broader 6-board to 9-board area.

(3) This applies to oil patterns between 38 feet to 41 feet.

For the past three to four years, I've advocated an aiming point based on articles I've read and, by closely watching / studying videos of national and international bowlers and events.

Recently, my observations were validated while watching a broadcast of a bowling event and the technical commentator made a statement to the effect of, "spray painting the 8-board at the 40 to 43 foot outer marker on the lanes, so that everyone would aim there and at least hit the pocket, giving themselves a better chance to strike."

This doesn't mean the bowler has to target 41 feet down the lane. (More power to you if you can, but, bowlers like me have a difficult time seeing that far down the lane.)

Let's factor in the "3-point Targeting" theory (By USBC Gold Coach Joe Slowinski) to illustrate how to fine tune where a bowler can aim. (Keep in mind that every bowler has to take any hints and/or suggestions and tailor them to suit their style of bowling.)

What I utilize is a “modified 3-point targeting system."

For example, if I'm using the 12-board at the arrows, I look at the 8-board at the 40 to 43 foot marker as I get into my starting stance, then bring my eyes down to the 12-board at the arrows just before starting my approach.

If I'm targeting the 10-board at the arrows, I sight down lane to the 8-board, then bring my eyes to the 10-board at the arrows, and so forth.

Some of my friends have told me that they target down lane, then at the arrows, and finally end up sighting at a mid-way point between the down lane marker and the arrows as they start their approach.

This method of getting to the pocket will work regardless of whether the bowler is launching the ball from the 5 board, the 15 board, or the 35 board. Just make sure the ball gets to the “8-board at the outer marker,” and the ball will get to the pocket.

As to why the ball won’t strike every time, the reader needs to keep in mind the parameters necessary for a “perfect pocket strike:”

a) The ball enters the pocket at the 17-1/2 board with less than 1/8-inch discrepancy;

b) The ball has an entry angle of 6 degrees;

c) The ball makes contact with only the 1, 3, 5, and 9 pins.

I heard a great term recently, “Eliminating Variables.”

To wit: “The entire game of bowling is based on eliminating as many variables as possible.”

I think hitting the pocket consistently may eliminate a large part of the variables a bowler is faced with in any given game at any given time.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Senior Bowling Observations Discussion #3

Special Note: In both the (Senior) PBA50 and PWBA events on Xtra Frame, there is a Central Commentator but, throughout the telecast, actual participating bowlers "drop by" to give their input and insights about a myriad of technical aspects and subject matter that are of, and might be of, concern to bowlers competing in the event. This, in turn, helps me (and perhaps, you?) with my THS (Typical House Shot) game.

Why do I watch and listen to the Seniors/PWBA events and technical commentating closely? It's very simple.

IMHO, the Seniors/Ladies closely resemble my style and type of bowling - that is, they have more "strokers" than "crankers," and they tend to have less "revs" than the Regular Touring PBA Men do.

As a matter of fact, I'd venture to say that, as a Senior bowler, I have nothing to learn from watching the physical game of the Regular PBA Tour.

Here's some of the subjects the Senior's/Ladies are talking about and I've picked up on:

1) Exercise and keeping physically fit. This is mentioned and talked about a lot more during the Senior's PBA and PWBA events. The necessity for a regular exercise program. Walking, jogging, physical fitness rooms, pre-bowling stretching routines, and healthy diets.

I've always done a minimal amount of pre-bowling stretching and walking; however, I've recently started using 3-lbs weights to bolster my arms, legs, and wrists.

I'm slowly building an exercise regimen and routine that will help me with my overall bowling.

2) Launch Angles. For the past 3-4 weeks, I've been working with this on my own and it's yielded some good results for me; especially since I don't have to make any drastic and/or radical moves right away.

Launch Angle Bowling Tips

Adjustments and Launch Angle

When accuracy and spare-making are of prime importance, a bowler cannot afford to "lose" the pocket. Making large moves may not be advantageous at all.

Even though we bowl mostly on THS conditions, accuracy and spare-making should still be of prime importance so "minor" moves may be better than drastic ones.

This has helped me on several occasions already this young season. Rather than change bowling balls right away, I've moved my eyes and it was all the adjustment I needed.

4) Asymmetric versus Symmetric bowling ball cores. I picked up on this during an Xtra Frame broadcast. I did some research and found that it is a general concensus among elite bowlers, although it's a subject that's not widely discussed.

I guess that goes along with a lot of other subjects that are good for your game; but, not openly discussed often enough - Posting your shot, free armswing, exit point strategy, and so forth.

In a nutshell: 1) asymmetric cores are good for "strokers" and lower rev bowlers; 2) symmetric cores are better for "crankers" and higher rev players.

If a recommendation were to be made, a "stroker" (which most of us Senior bowlers tend to be) building an arsenal would have 80% Asymmetrics in their bag. Nothwithstanding the requisite combination of Reactive Resin, Hybrid, Urethane, Pin-up drilling, pin-down drilling, and various other surfaces/drillings to suit your particular style.

Carolyn Dorin Ballard used the term, "Bump Area," during the PWBA Tour Championships. This is only my guess, but, she's probably referring to the area on the lane where the ball encounters friction and starts turning left, making its run to the pocket. In a typical conversation with my coach, we talk about "banking" the ball off the dry so that it comes back to the pocket with more energy.

A comment here concerning the Storm Crux. (Different bowlers may have different results depending on their style of bowling. There's just too many products out there to make a statement that, "one size fits all." I'm merely relating my experience with the Pearl Crux.)

I watched the original video and they described the design of the core, and it gave me the impression that the core is meant to "auto-correct" mistakes we make in our deliveries. I finally broke down, saved up my money, and bought the Pearl Crux three weeks ago.

Storm Cux(TM) - Ball Technology

I'm extremely happy with the ball and I'm carrying hits that were not carrying for me previously. My frustration with taps have been non-existent since I got the ball. Needless to say, I'm saying to myself, "Why did I wait so long to get it?"

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Senior Bowling Observations - Discussion #2

Here are some observations I've made watching bowling and listening to the technical commentaries ("Seniors" refers to both Men and Women, unless otherwise specified):

1) The Seniors continuing to do better, as opposed to "okay," have shortened their
approach. They have moved to the 12-foot line or shorter.

2) The Seniors doing well have adapted their release so they are "behind" the ball
rather than coming "around" the ball. (Note that all up-and-coming stars come out
of the ball "behind" and "below the equator," at their release point.)

3) The term, "hand," does not mean "lifting" or "kicking" up on the ball anymore. It
means, having better control of the ball at the release point.

4) The Seniors doing better, i.e. "Winning," have minimized their bowling ball "Flare."

5) The Seniors doing better still have excellent control of their ball speed and are able
to adjust faster or slower as the conditions dictate.

How do you feel about these observations?

As a side note, one of the commentators used the term, "Eliminating Variables," which
I thought was a good summary of what we're trying to do when we bowl. We will all
bowl our best games/series when we've 'eliminated all the variables" that attempt to
make us bowl lousy.

It was mentioned on one of the PWBA broadcasts that Diana Zavjalova said that Weber
International University uses the term, "Copy-and-Paste" when they talk about "repeating
the shot." When someone does everything according to the text book, they tell that
person to, "Copy-and-Paste" that shot.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Senior Bowling Observations - Discussion #1

I've been watching a lot o LIVE bowling broadcasts over the past
several weeks, mostly Xtra Frame. I have come to really like the
technical commentating and find that the subscription is well
worth it.

I have compiled a list of interesting points for discussion so I'm
going to be bringing them up starting today. When we've exhausted
the subject, then I'll bring on the next.

So, let's begin with the first one: (normal oil conditions - i.e., not
"burn" or extreme oil conditions.)

POINT: The layout and core of the bowling ball has an effect
on the ball merely for the purposes of shaping the shot.

REASONING: The three phases of a ball's travel down the
lanes are - Skid, Hook, Roll.

During the Skid Phase, nothing can effect the ball because it's, well,
skidding. This is the first part of the lane (for want of a better term,
we'll just continue to use, "Heads.")

During the Hook Phase, the coverstock has the most effect because
the ball is attempting to stop the skid - this is the middle part of the
lane ("mids").

During the Roll Phase, the core and layout come into play because
friction is present and the ball is now making its run to the pocket.
(This is the last "XX Feet" that is not oiled, "Backends.").

What is your feeling on the POINT/REASONING, above?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Thinking Small For Bigger Bowling Results

I keep emphasizing to all my students about focusing on the "Process" rather than the score of the game they're bowling.

I tell them over-and-over, "If you keep your mind on the 'Process' rather than the score, you'll eventually shoot higher games and raise your average."

I've proven it to them time and time again and you can prove it to yourself, too.

When we have a coaching session, we never keep score (although the automatic scorer will do so, anyway) and I tell the student not to look up at the projection.

We're here to work on fundamentals, I remind then, and those games are the least of our concerns at this time.

However, at the end of the session, I'll do a recap of the games bowled (usually three) and show them the results.

In pretty much all the cases, the resultant totals are surprising to the student.

If you were to do the same thing during your own practice time, I feel sure you'd get the same, surprising results.

I'm merely breaking down their goal into little mini-steps so they can achieve successes along the way to attaining their main objective, which might be, for example, a higher average.

As they see improvements with each point of the "Process," it gives them the satisfaction and motivation to keep trying to improve their bowling game.

If, for example, we were to focus entirely on the results, which is, let's say, a 200 average, what do you think each practice session and each league night would be like?

I think it would be nothing but frustration and disappointment. I'm sure you don't need a long explanation to see that what I say is true.

Now, let's say we concentrate on the little mini-steps necessary for them to get to that level.

As each step is accomplished, they'll be able to see positive results and therefore, be able to feel good about their results.

They'll feel that they're accomplishing something and be willing to keep on persevering.

1) Small, measurable changes. These are within anyone's current abilities and are easily measured because the person can feel a shift in the way they're delivering the ball down the lane.

2) Small, continuous advancements. If you focus on the end result, you'll more than likely lose enthusiasm and give up because the longer you go without seeing continuous advancements, the easier it'll be for you to throw up your hands in frustration. Any advancement, even small ones, give a feeling of accomplishment, which gives you the drive to continue on.

3) Small, focused adjustments. As you make your small and continuous advancements, you'll find that your ability to focus on each aspect of the "Process" will become sharper and sharper. You'll be able to "feel" when you're about to commit an error and you'll be able to make the necessary correction before you release the bowling ball, thereby minimizing the mistake.

4) Small goals equals large results. Push yourself, little by little. Use whatever cliche necessary to keep yourself centered on the "Process" rather than the result. Build on the skill set you currently have, improve them, then build on that set of skills, and so on, and so on.

The results you achieve in the long-term will be much larger than even you thought they'd be.